Monday, October 19, 2020

github from terminal




 On this topic we will explain how to deal with github from terminal 

First : if you don't have account on github , you can create it from here , then follow me :)


Login to git hub from terminal by the command 

git config --global "" 


Initialized empty git repository 

git init

Remove the initialized empty repository 

rm -rf .git

Show repository activity log

git log

Clone files from the repository in the current folder 

git clone repo_url . // the . means that we want to clone files in the current directory


View the information about the repository 

git remote -v 

List all branches in the repository 

git branch -a

Show the changes that we had made to the code 

git diff


Add all working files to the staging

git add -A

Commit the add files in the local device 

git commit - m "Some Message :)"

Push the committed changes locally to the remote repository at (2 steps < pull and push >)

git pull origin branch_name // to check if any other developer make any changes in the repository (origin is the name of the remote repository)

git push origin branch_name // to push our changes to the repository (branch)


Create new branch 

 git branch branch_name  // this will create new branch in the current repository 


Switch the current working with branch 

git checkout branch_name 

Push changes to specific specific branch in the remote repository

git push -u origin branch_name // #not : we can to pull by this way too


Merge a  branch with the current branch 

git branch --merged

git merge branch_name

Delete Branch

git branch -d branch_name // this will delete the branch from the local 

git push origin --delete branch_name // this will push the deleted branches to the remote repository 

Note :

you can download the ref form here

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