Sunday, February 7, 2021

postgresql from treminal

In this blog we will explain many ways that help us to control postgresql from terminal
Connect To Postgresql 
psql postgres

restore dump backup database in postgresql
pg_restore -U postgres -d coffee -1 /home/user_name/Downloads/db_backup_name.dump

pg_dump DB_name  > /home/user/Desktop/db_backup_name.dump


restore ZIP backup database in postgresql 

curl -X POST -F 'master_pwd=1234' -F 'name=DB_name' -F 'backup_format=zip' -o /home/user/Desktop/ http://localhost:8069/web/database/backup 


Create new database


Connect one database
psql db_name user_name


Delete database 


Rename database


Copy database
WITH TEMPLATE Existed_DB_name;

Thursday, February 4, 2021

get caller function in odoo


    Let us say that we built a function in odoo and we want to get data of any function call this function , such as we want to make logging for any caller function fo our function , so we want to get

caller function name
caller function file
calling line in the caller function

and put all of these data in logging file , we can get all of these data as bellow

caller function name :

caller_function = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name


caller function file :

caller_filename = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename 

calling line in the caller function :

caller_line_number = sys._getframe(1).f_lineno

we can get the current function name as
current_function = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name

and we can add them to logging file from here

logging in odoo

Logging in odoo is very important thing in order to know what is happening in odoo server and to tracking any process in the server , and to make logging in odoo we have 2 steps

  • Import logging in odoo class just like
    _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  • use type of logging in odoo which has many types just as

    INFO Logging : to log info message"Any thing you want to log it")

    WARNING Logging : to log WARNING message
    ("Any thing you want to log it")

    DEBUG Logging : to log DEBUG message
    ("Any thing you want to log it")

    ERROR Logging : to log ERROR message
    ("Any thing you want to log it")

    CRITICAL Logging : to log CRITICAL message
    ("Any thing you want to log it")

    Now let us Give an example and say that we want to log the current company name and the current user name , so
    we will inherit name and add our logger in it as bellow

    class LoggerLogger(models.Model):
        _inherit = ''

        def odoo_logger(self,current_company,current_user):
                Function To make logging for company and uers
  "Current Company : "+
    current_company+", The Current User : "+current_user)

    and when we call this function we have to pass company and user such as

       def logger_caller(self):
            current_company =
            current_user =


    Note :
    to know how to put file name , function name and calling line in the logging file from here

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

set security group for all users in odoo


Set security group for all users

Here we will explain how to set security group for all users in odoo from xml file , so to do that we will add all users to the specific group by adding the bellow line to group xml tag

            <field model="res.users" name="users" search="[('id', '!=', 0)]"/>

EG :

    <record id="group_api_tap" model="res.groups">
            <field name="name">APIs</field>
            <field model="res.users" name="users" search="[('id', '!=', 0)]"/>
            <field name="category_id" ref="validator.module_validator"/>

scanner in java

Scanner in java

 To understand Scanner in java and start using it we have to know some principles

  • The Scanner class is used to get user input
  • Scanner is found in the java.util package
  • To use scanner we have to make an object from scanner class
In other we if we want to use scanner we have to make and object for it , and to make and object for it first we have to import it first , so let us to do this in a code

1/ import scanner 

    import java.util.*;   Or
    import java.util.Scanner;

2/ make object for scanner

    as we know the rule to make an object for any class is 

    class_name object_name = new class_name();
    and to create scanner object we can do it as bellow

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    scan is the object name , to define that we will read some values form the user

3/ use the scanner to get variable's value from the user

    we can define the variable and then get it's value from the user as bellow

    EG :
        int num;
        num = scan.nextInt();

    or define a variable and get it's value from the user in one line as bellow

    EG : 
        int num = scan.nextInt();

     we can define (byte , short , long , int , double , float , boolean) with scanner as bellow
    byte variable_name = scan.nextByte();
    short variable_name = scan.nextShort();
    int variable_name = scan.nextInt();
    long variable_name = scan.nextLong();
    double variable_name = scan.nextDouble();   
    float variable_name = scan.nextFloat(); 
    boolean variable_name = scan.nextBoolean(); 
and we can (define char , string ) variables as bellow 
    char variable_name =;  Or  
    char variable_name = scan.nextLine().charAt(0);
    String variable_name = scan.nextLine(); Or
    String variable_name =;  

edit odoo setting


In this blog we will explain how to edit setting object and view in odoo to add new setting so let us give an example

let us say that we want to add three fields to odoo setting (res.config.settings) object so we have to know some important things

  • res.config.settings is Transient Model , so it will not save data
  • we have specific way to save all fields one the model
  • relational fields have different way to make them savable at setting 
Eg : 
we want to add name field which is char field , age which is integer field and account_id with is many2one field so 

first define the fields in the class as bellow

class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel):
    _inherit = 'res.config.settings'

    name = fields.Char(string="Name")
    age = fields.Integer(string="Age")
    account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string="Account")

second make the non relational fields savable by adding the methods bellow 
    def get_values(self):
        res = super(ResConfigSettings, self).get_values()
        ICPSudo = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
        name = ICPSudo.get_param('')
        age = ICPSudo.get_param('module_name.age')
def set_values(self):
        super(ResConfigSettings, self).set_values()
        for rec in self:
            ICPSudo = rec.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
Third make relational fields savable through 2 steps 
1/ inherit object and add same relational fields inside it just as

class Company(models.Model):
    _inherit = ""
    account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string="Account")
2/ edit the relational fields that you had defined in the setting object by makeing them related fields just as 
account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string="Account", related="company_id.account_id") 

Friday, January 22, 2021

pdf report creator

Here we will explain how his module works

Module Menus :
After you giving the current user all permissions you can fine new root menu with
the name Reports Creator with has two submenus with name Create new report
and Templates , as in the image bellow

Templates Menu :
By going to reports Creator/Templates you will fine view with 20 templates in
many models and you can create your new templates as you want

Create Template :
From reports Creator/templates click on create and enter
name: with will be the name of your template
model : that is the model that you want to create the template for
Apply to models : which is allows you create the current template for more than
one template that you choose by duplicating the current template for each one of
Use as sample template : which is allows you to use the current template as
sample that you can choose it to create another template just by editing it
Sample image : the image that will descripting the template

Content : here we will design the report template body it self as we are writing
text file , and we can read a value for one field for the model that we had choose
just by writing S{object.field_name} , here you can check the20 examples

Paper format : this page gives you many options to define the page format such
as , margins and orientations

Available fields : in this page you can fine all fields from the model you choose ,
and you can get the value of any one of them as we say above

Samples : here you can choose one of the sample template , then it’s content will
be written in the current template content area , and the you can edit it as you

Create Report :
To create and print new report go to reports creator/ create new report and then
click on create button and add the fields

Date : the date of creating this report which is take the current date as default
model : the model that you want to print report from it
Template : select one template form all templates that’s designed for the model
you choose
Record field : this field depends on the models you choose , for eg if you choose
employee model this field will by employee so you have to choose one employee
to print the report for him

Print button : to print the report after filling all fields just click on the print button
on the top menu , you will get popup window , then revise the report and click on
the print button on the bottom of the window which will create the pdf file

Watch demo

Download module

Odoo Invoice Qr code issues

There are two main issues must of us facing with the QR code in Odoo invoice & these issues are 1/ QR code displayed as broken image w...