Monday, December 30, 2019

design workflow in odoo

      In this step we will design work flow for clinic booking process as we had explain in the previous step so to make it we have to 
  • create new object by name ('') as bellow with workflow functions 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError

class ClinicBooking(models.Model):
    #Class for Booking data
    _name = ''
    _description = "object contain all doctor data"

    state = fields.Selection([('draft','Draft'),('wait_d_meeting','Wait Doctor Meeting'),('stay_on_ward','Stay On Ward'),('medical_bill','Medical Bill')], string='State', default='draft')
    def action_to_wait_d_meeting(self):
        function to be sure that the paient had registered to meet doctor
        self.state = 'wait_d_meeting'
    def clinic_ward_action(self):
        function will call if the doctor decied that the patient must stay for sometime in clinin's ward
        self.state = 'stay_on_ward'
    def medical_bill_action(self):
        function will call if the doctor give the patient a medical bill
        self.state = 'medical_bill'
  • create view for this object as bellow 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <!-- """Create Form View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_booking_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name"></field>
            <field name="model"></field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <form string="Doctor">
                        <button name="action_to_wait_d_meeting" states="draft" string="Confirm" type="object" class="oe_highlight" style="margin-left:2px;"/>
                        <button name="clinic_ward_action" states="wait_d_meeting" string="Stay On Ward" type="object" class="oe_highlight" style="margin-left:2px;"/>
                        <button name="medical_bill_action" states="wait_d_meeting" string="Medical Bill" type="object" class="oe_highlight" style="margin-left:2px;"/>
                        <field name="state" widget="statusbar" readonly="1"/>

        <!-- """Create Tree View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_booking_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name"></field>
            <field name="model"></field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <tree string="doctors">
                    <field name="state"/>

        <!-- """Create Action View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_booking_action_view" model="ir.actions.act_window">
            <field name="name">Booking</field>
            <field name="res_model"></field>
            <field name="view_type">form</field>
            <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
            <field name="view_id" ref="clinic_booking_tree_view"/>

        <!-- """Create the Booking Root menu """ -->

        <menuitem id="clinic_booking_root_menu"
            name="Booking" sequence="1"

        <!-- """Create the Booking Mani menu""" -->



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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

explain workflow in odoo




In this step we are going to start workflow in odoo , so we have to ask some Qs 
  • What is workflow ?
Workflow is away that we use to define all steps to do some tasks or activities in our organization , and it's away to make our work clear and easy 
Workflow is consist of some activities and some actions which are depends on activities "eg : to migrate student from first class to the second one , he must study at the first one"
  •  How to make workflow in odoo ? 
To design workflow in odoo we have tow main steps 

1- logical design : in this step we define all steps of the task that we want to do , also we define which step must be first and which one must be after which one , also we design the action that must be happened to change from the first step to the second one , also we have to define the user's permissions "which user is allowed to take that action in this workflow" finally we have to design workflow diagram that summarizes our logical design "EG : the diagram bellow "

2- technical design : in this step we write down our logical design as code , to do that we have to 
  • Create state field which is selection field that contain all states of our workflow as bellow       
state = fields.Selection([('draft','Draft'),('unit_manager_approv','Unit Manager Approve'),('general_manager_approv','General Manager Approve')], string="draft", default='draft')

  • Create our functions , and in every one we must put all actions that will be happen in one state , and also every function will change the state from one state to another
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Monday, December 23, 2019

create notebook view, kanban view in odoo




In this step we will create some view 
  • create notebook view
  • create kanban view
Notebook is away to view fields as note that contains many pages , so as example we will create notebook view for '' consist of two page ' patients page ' & 'doctor's qualifications' so we will go to '' object and add the field of qualifications & specialty as bellow 

qualifications = fields.Html(string="Qualifications")
specialty = fields.Many2one('doctor.specialty', string="Specialty")

and in the '' file we will add new class by name 'DoctorSpecialty' which will contain all specialties for the doctors 'name field only', just as bellow 

class DoctorSpecialty(models.Model):
    _name = "
    _description = "
Doctor Specialty
     name = field.Char(string="Name")

Then we have to go to 'clinic_doctor_view.xml' file and add the notenook view as bellow ..

    <page string="Patients">
         <group colspan="2" col="2">
             <field name="patient_ids" nolabel="1"/>
    <page string="Qualifications">
         <group colspan="4" col="4">
              <field name="specialty"/>
              <field name="academic_degree"/>
              <field name="university"/>
              <field name="graduate_year"/>
         <group colspan="2" col="2">
             <field name="qualifications" nolabel="1"/>

Then we will create kanban view for '' object in which we will put just the important fields for the doctor just as "name, specialty, image"

Now we will create kanban view for the '' object by adding the code bellow to the 'clinic_doctor_view.xml' file

<!-- """Create kanban View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_doctor_kanban_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name"></field>
            <field name="model"></field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <kanban >
                    <field name='id'/>
                    <field name="image"/>
                    <field name="specialty"/>
                        <t t-name="kanban-box">
                            <div class="oe_kanban_global_click" style=" border: 1px solid #d9d7d7; border-radius: 5px !important;">
                                <div class="o_kanban_image">
                                    <img t-att-src="kanban_image('','image'," alt="Image"/>
                                <div class="oe_kanban_details">
                                        <li style="font-size:16px;color:blue !important;"><b>Name :</b> <field name="name"/></li>
                                        <li><b>Specialty :</b> <field name="specialty"/></li>
                                <div class="o_kanban_record_bottom">
                                    <div class="oe_kanban_bottom_left" style="margin-left:8px;">
                                        <b> A.D :</b> <field name="academic_degree"/>
                                    <div class="oe_kanban_bottom_right" style="margin-right:40px;">
                                        <b> Age :</b> <field name="age_year"/>

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

example object in odoo


python oop

In this step we will start the relational fields so we have to 
  • create '' object which will contain doctor's data
  • link the doctor object with the patient object
We can create '' object by the same way that we use to create 'clinic.patient' in the file with name 'clinic_doctor_view.xml' so we must first create '' just as ...

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError

class ClinicDoctor(models.Model):
    #Class for doctor which is contain all doctor data
    _name = ''
    _description = "object contain all doctor data"

    first_name = fields.Char(string='First Name', required=True)
    second_name = fields.Char(string='Second Name', required=True)
    third_name = fields.Char(string='Third Name', required=True)
    forth_name = fields.Char(string='Fourth Name', required=True)
    name = fields.Char(string="Name", readonly=True, compute='get_doctor_name')
    image = fields.Binary(string='Image', copy=False)
    gender = fields.Selection([('male','Male'),('female','Female')], string='Gender',default='male')
    birth_day = fields.Date(string='Birthday', required=True)
    age_year = fields.Integer(string="Years", compute='calculate_age')
    age_month = fields.Integer(string="Months", compute='calculate_age')
    age_day = fields.Integer(string="Days", compute='calculate_age')
    country_id = fields.Many2one('', string='Country')
    phone = fields.Char(string="Phone")

    def phone_validation(self):
        function to validate phone data for doctor
        phone_prefix = [1,9]
        phone_type = [0,1,2,6,9]
        check_value = 0

        if and self.country_id:
            if self.country_id.code == 'SD':
                phone =
                if len(phone) != 9:
                    raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it length is not true"))
                if len(phone) == 9:
                    for index in range(0,len(phone_prefix)):
                        if phone[0] == str(phone_prefix[index]):
                            check_value = 1
                    if check_value == 0:
                        raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it start with wrong key number"))
                    check_value = 0
                    for index in range(0,len(phone_type)):
                        if phone[1] == str(phone_type[index]):
                            check_value = 1
                    if check_value == 0:
                        raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it not of real phone number"))
                    check_value = 0
                    for index in range(0,len(phone)):
                        check_value = 0
                        for number in range(0,10):
                            if phone[index] == str(number):
                                check_value = 1
                        if check_value == 0:
                            raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it must not contain charactors"))
    def get_doctor_name(self):
        function to calculate the full name for the doctor
        """ = self.first_name+' '+self.second_name+' '+self.third_name+' '+self.forth_name
    def calculate_age(self):
        function to calcolate the age of the user

        if self.birth_day :
            birth_day = str(self.birth_day)
            current_date = str(

            birth_day_year_as_int =     int(birth_day[0]+birth_day[1]+birth_day[2]+birth_day[3])
            birth_day_month_as_int = int(birth_day[5]+birth_day[6])
            birth_day_day_as_int = int(birth_day[8]+birth_day[9])

            current_date_year_as_int = int(current_date[0]+current_date[1]+current_date[2]+current_date[3])
            current_date_month_as_int = int(current_date[5]+current_date[6])
            current_date_day_as_int = int(current_date[8]+current_date[9])

            period_years = current_date_year_as_int-birth_day_year_as_int
            period_months = current_date_month_as_int-birth_day_month_as_int
            period_days = current_date_day_as_int-birth_day_day_as_int

            months_list_1 = ['04','06','09','11']
            months_list_2 = ['01','03','05','07','08','10','12']

            if period_days < 0:
                if str(current_date_month_as_int) == '02':
                    if current_date_year_as_int%4 == 0:
                        period_days = 29+period_days
                    if current_date_year_as_int%4 != 0:
                        period_days = 28+period_days
                for index in range(0,4):
                    if current_date_month_as_int == int(months_list_1[index]):
                        period_days = 30+period_days
                for index in range(0,7):
                    if current_date_month_as_int == int(months_list_2    [index]):
                        period_days = 31+period_days
                period_months = period_months-1
            if period_months < 0:
                period_months = 12+period_months
                period_years = period_years-1

            self.age_year = period_years
            self.age_month = period_months
            self.age_day = period_days

Then we will it view in 'clinic_doctor_view.xml' just as

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <!-- """Create Form View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_doctor_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name"></field>
            <field name="model"></field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <form string="Doctor">
                        <div style="width:100%;">
                            <div style="width:20%;float:left;">
                                <field name="image" widget="image"/>
                            <div style="width:78%;float:right;">
                                <group colspan="2" col="2">
                                    <field name="name" nolabel="1" style="font-size:32px;"/>
                                <table style="width:100%;">
                                    <tr style="width:100%;">
                                        <td style="width:25%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
                                            <field name="first_name" placeholder="First Name"/>
                                        <td style="width:25%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
                                            <field name="second_name" placeholder="Second Name"/>
                                        <td style="width:25%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
                                            <field name="third_name" placeholder="Third Name"/>
                                        <td style="width:25%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
                                            <field name="forth_name" placeholder="Fourth Name"/>
                        <group colspan="4" col="4">
                            <field name="gender"/>
                            <field name="birth_day"/>
                            <field name="country_id"/>
                            <field name="phone"/>
                        <table style="width:50%;">
                                <td style="width:40%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
                                <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                                <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                                <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                                <td style="width:40%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
                                <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                                        <field name="age_year" />
                                <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                                        <field name="age_month" />
                                <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                                        <field name="age_day" />

        <!-- """Create Tree View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_doctor_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name"></field>
            <field name="model"></field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <tree string="doctors">
                    <field name="name"/>
                    <field name="gender"/>
                    <field name="age_year"/>
                    <field name="phone"/>

        <!-- """Create Action View""" -->

        <record id="clinic_doctor_action_view" model="ir.actions.act_window">
            <field name="name">doctors</field>
            <field name="res_model"></field>
            <field name="view_type">form</field>
            <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
            <field name="view_id" ref="clinic_doctor_tree_view"/>

        <!-- """Create the Configration menu """ -->

        <menuitem id="clinic_doctor_main_menu"
            name="Doctors" sequence="10"

        <!-- """Create the Company's Projects menu""" -->



Then we will create the relation between the patient and the doctor , an we can say ' one doctor will take care of more than one patient ' so it will be 'One2many' form doctor to patient , and also we can say ' many patients have taken care by one doctor' so it will be 'Many2one' from patient to doctor 

Now we can code that by adding many2one field into 'clinic.patient' object as 

doctor_id = fields.Many2one('', string='Doctor') 

then we will add this field to patient object view file 

Then we must go to '' object and add One2many field for patients just as bellow ...

patient_id = fields.One2many('clinic.patient', 'doctor_id', string='Patients')

Then we go to doctor object view and add it  as bellow 

<group colspan="4" col="4" string="Patients">
         <field name="patient_id" nolabel="1"/>


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add country,phon fields in odoo

In this step we will continue with 'clinic.patient' object and
  • add country field
  • add phone field with validation function
  • edit tree view 
To add phone number and country fields we have to go to 'clinic.patient' object and add them with validation function as bellow

country_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Country")
phone = fields.Char(string="Phone")
    def phone_validation(self):
        function to validate phone data for patient
        phone_prefix = [1,9]
        phone_type = [0,1,2,6,9]
        check_value = 0

        if and self.country_id:
            if self.country_id.code == 'SD':
                phone =
                if len(phone) != 9:
                    raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it length is not true"))
                if len(phone) == 9:
                    for index in range(0,len(phone_prefix)):
                        if phone[0] == str(phone_prefix[index]):
                            check_value = 1
                    if check_value == 0:
                        raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it start with wrong key number"))
                    check_value = 0
                    for index in range(0,len(phone_type)):
                        if phone[1] == str(phone_type[index]):
                            check_value = 1
                    if check_value == 0:
                        raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it not of real phone number"))
                    check_value = 0
                    for index in range(0,len(phone)):
                        check_value = 0
                        for number in range(0,10):
                            if phone[index] == str(number):
                                check_value = 1
                        if check_value == 0:
                            raise ValidationError(_("Wrong phone number , it must not contain charactors"))

Then we have to add it to the view in 'clinic_patient_view.xml' file inside the first group to be as

<group colspan="4" col="4">
        <field name="gender"/>
        <field name="birth_day"/>

        <field name="country_id" />
        <field name="phone"/>
        <field name="met_doctor"/>
        <field name="last_meeting" attrs="{'invisible': [('met_doctor','=',False)],'required':[('met_doctor','=',True)]}"/>


 Then we will edit the tree view to show the important fields for the patient (name, phone, gender, age'years') so it will be as ...

<record id="clinic_patient_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">clinic.patient.tree</field>
        <field name="model">clinic.patient</field>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <tree string="Patients">
                       <field name="name"/>
                       <field name="gender"/>
                       <field name="phone"/>
                       <field name="age_year"/>


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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

api decorators in odoo






In this step we will
  • explain api decorators
  • add age fields for patient object
  • calculate age from birthday as example for writing function in odoo

What is api decorators ?
Where self is defined as record-set (some records that have related with each other)
EG: model.method(cr, uid, ids, args, context=context)
Where self is defined as record-set but its contents is not relevant (some records that have no related with each other)
EG: model.method(cr, uid, args, context=context)
odoo.api.returns(model, downgrade=None, upgrade=None)

  • add age fields for patient object
we will calculate the age of patient as years, months and days so we must add three fields for age (age_year, age_month, age_day) which will be computed fields that get their values from one function “calculate_age()” so to do that we have to go to ‘clinic.patient’ object and add the code bellow

age_year = fields.Integer(string="Years", compute='calculate_age')
age_month = fields.Integer(string="Months", compute='calculate_age')
age_day = fields.Integer(string="Days", compute='calculate_age')
def calculate_age(self):
function to calcolate the age of he user

if self.birth_day :
birth_day = str(self.birth_day)
current_date = str(

birth_day_year_as_int = int(birth_day[0]+birth_day[1]+birth_day[2]+birth_day[3])
birth_day_month_as_int = int(birth_day[5]+birth_day[6])
birth_day_day_as_int = int(birth_day[8]+birth_day[9])

current_date_year_as_int = int(current_date[0]+current_date[1]+current_date[2]+current_date[3])
current_date_month_as_int = int(current_date[5]+current_date[6])
current_date_day_as_int = int(current_date[8]+current_date[9])

period_years = current_date_year_as_int-birth_day_year_as_int
period_months = current_date_month_as_int-birth_day_month_as_int
period_days = current_date_day_as_int-birth_day_day_as_int

months_list_1 = ['04','06','09','11']
months_list_2 = ['01','03','05','07','08','10','12']

if period_days < 0:
if str(current_date_month_as_int) == '02':
if current_date_year_as_int%4 == 0:
period_days = 29+period_days
if current_date_year_as_int%4 != 0:
period_days = 28+period_days
for index in range(0,4):
if current_date_month_as_int == int(months_list_1[index]):
period_days = 30+period_days
for index in range(0,7):
if current_date_month_as_int == int(months_list_2 [index]):
period_days = 31+period_days
period_months = period_months-1
if period_months < 0:
period_months = 12+period_months
period_years = period_years-1

self.age_year = period_years
self.age_month = period_months
self.age_day = period_days

Then we will deign view for these field by adding the code bellow to ‘clinic_patient_view.xml’ file

<table style="width:50%;">
        <td style="width:40%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
        <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
        <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
        <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
        <td style="width:40%;font-size:13px;padding:2px;">
        <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                <field name="age_year" />
        <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                <field name="age_month" />
        <td style="width:20%;padding:2px;">
                <field name="age_day" />

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Odoo Invoice Qr code issues

There are two main issues must of us facing with the QR code in Odoo invoice & these issues are 1/ QR code displayed as broken image w...